Radiotherapy and a break away

 Earlier this week I had a phone call from my oncologist.  He told me that because my surgeon had got a good clear margin of breast tissue, healthy margins even around the surprise satellite cancer,  I only need 5 radiotherapy sessions on my full breast.  Because I had a auxiliary clearance with only disease in 1 lymph node and because I’ve had a lot of breast tissue taken, coupled with my small breast size no bed boost is necessary/possible and more than 5 sessions would cause more damage than needed to zap and little fuckers of cancer cells left hanging around!

This is good news.  It’s been a long traumatic year and I’m still healing from chemo and my second op, still have radiotherapy and then the introduction of drugs to help prevent recurrence or secondary cancers.  So whilst we have a short window we are off - flying to sunnier climbs for a week.  Hopefully to decompress, centre and be present.  


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