Repair and recover


So yesterday was my second op hopefully enabling Ms Olsen to get the clear margin of breast tissue she didn’t get first time!  Last time I believe she got 0.6mm and NICE guidelines are 1mm!  Obviously it’s impossible to go in and take 0.4mm or even just 1mm so the aim was probably 3-4mm! Those that know me know I only have little boobs so taking away as much breast tissue as they have would have left a huge cavity below my nipple in which the upper section of boob and nipple would collapse into and potentially cause pain and future issues!  So they performed a chest wall perforator with flaps!! Sounds lovely doesn’t it!  This is to dissect the upper part of stomach tissue, fat, skin and blood supply from under boob, stretch and fold and stitch into place to fill the cavity in the boob, then restitch the boob over this!  It feels like an upper stomach lift over the left side of my ribs!

Op was 2hrs 15mins - all went to plan I believe! Took me longer to come round than last time, but my body still recovering from chemo!  Had a nasty taste in back of my mouth and nose this time and a sore throat from tubes.  

Now to wait once again for histology results and a date, length of time for radiotherapy! 


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