Loss of a friend

 Whilst I’ve been trying to rid myself of breast cancer an older friend has been trying to rid himself of lung cancer!  We hadn’t been in touch much over the last few years but he was always in my thoughts.  This year when I learned of his diagnosis I contacted him to send him love.  We had a few messages between us, especially when he learned my diagnosis too!  Unfortunately on Thursday 5/Friday 6 he passed away.  His cancer being inoperable was treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy and that did the trick for a while.  In the end it spread to other organs causing pain and no doubt horror for him.  He was only 68 and his name was Christopher Stevens (always known as Wiss).  

I’m grateful for a serendipitous moment about 6 weeks ago where I’d made a decision to take the dogs to a particular walk I’d not done since starting treatment.  This walk is quite near where Wiss lived. I kept getting caught behind vehicles that slowed me down, the little car park was full, so I had to park alongside the roadway.  Just as I got my dogs through the fencing a van pulled up and out popped Wiss having spotted us.  The timing of us meeting and my not being able to park in the car parking was fortuitous. We had a lovely 20 minute conversation, sympathising and remembering times before.  This was our goodbye and I’m sad it was the last time. 

RIP Wiss xxx


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