Wednesday 30/8 - Round 8 and Last Chemo

Whoopee I’ve made it to the end of the chemo journey! A long 16+ weeks from first chemo infusion, with all the joyous side effects both the more obvious physical but also mentally challenging!  Still have the worst few days of chemo side effects to come and the 7 days days of injections, followed by building my immunity back up to strength.  

Apart from feeling a little bit institutionalised after this long routine I do feel some joy that I’ve completed this part of the cancer journey.

I’m not brave or inspirational, just doing what needs to be done! Don’t get me wrong I’m proud of myself and have surprised myself but it’s a no brainier when you have a family you love, you do all you can to stay around. 

So although it’s pissing down today 31/8 and last day of summer I feel freed from the shackles of my chemo routine 🥳

While it’s in my head, things that I think helped me support myself:

Walk every day 45 minutes or more, no matter how you feel, get out.  This helps you both physically and with your mental health.

If you aren’t able to work (which for me was the only option), potter around at home, do jobs, gardening, cleaning, as and when you feel able.  Try to keep some routines, food shopping was one for me.

Gentle yoga is also good if you feel able, or on the days you feel like it, 20 minutes is enough, nothing to strenuous, but stretches and some strength training.  Adrienne on YouTube.

Mindfulness is another good one for mental health. Lots of guided sessions on YouTube.

No alcohol as your liver has a lot to cope with already.

Try to drink 2-2.5L of water each day! BORING but chemo dehydrates you and it helps flush your system.

If your brain allows it, sign up for a short online course - Alison Courses has lots for free (keeps your mind in check and occupied).


I ate a bowl of mixed fruit (5 different ones) mixed with a handful of mixed nuts and seeds, with Kifir Fermented Yogurt every morning.  Around chemo days, especially when you’re having EC combo, constipation is quite bad, so introduce tinned pears and prunes until you loosen up again! 

Try to eat as much salad and vegetables as you can as all help your immune system build back up, steamed or stir fried veg for gaining most vitamins.  Introduce oily fish, salmon and mackerel at least three times a week.  Plus protein by eating eggs, cheese and chicken.

But obviously don’t deny some treats, for me I had fits and starts with binging on ice cream when it was hot, chocolate when I was bored and cake as a reward or coz I was fed up!  This is a long journey and you can only do you’re best.

Friends and family are really important in this journey - where possible try to do some social activities together.  Outside is better because of risk of infection, but indoors in well ventilated areas.  I started off paranoid with no hugging or kissing, but in the end the hug was really important.

I’m sure there could be more, but my brain has stalled! 🤣


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