5th Round Chemo

 I was dreading today as it was time for the next poison! Paclitaxel.  Another unknown.  Just as you’re starting to feel more yourself and bam back to not being quite right! Back to Wonford, a longer infusion as 3 hours on drip this time plus premeds and once again a delay!

But lots of lovely smiley staff, no allergic reaction and so far no nausea!  Less extra drugs because of less chances of nausea too.  Very tired today and pissed off because it has rained all day so no chance of a dog walk!! 

Only 3 hours sleep last night so hopefully better night tonight and seriously hoping I don’t get the bone pain side effect! Oncologist said normally starts 48 hours after infusion and lasts 48 hours!  So fingers crossed I’m immune to this!

Family and friends doing Pretty Muddy tomorrow, so hoping I’m up to watching. 


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