
 Not a great nights sleep Friday as wide awake at 4am, starving by 5am! Expect this is the steroids! Not feeling too bad in myself mind you.  Still jaded!  Today I have to start to inject myself to promote white blood cell production and slowly coming off anti sickness and steroids.  Went for a dog walk with Connor, which felt like hard work, but worth it.  Back to chilling out.  It’s like you’re  tired but can’t nod off.  Fatigue I suppose!  I bravely took myself off when it was time for injection and pleased to say I did it without issue.  Squeeze some fat on tummy, dart needle in quickly, press plunger and when drugs have gone through a clever spring inside device whips the needle back inside and out of tummy.  Very pleased with myself! Ate well today, no real problems with nausea!

By evening I’m struggling to stay awake on sofa so just go with it.

Manage a good nights sleep Saturday night, no steroid since lunchtime yesterday so not starving, no nausea, but last tablet at breakfast time.  Unfortunately some constipation and I feel I’m in a foul mood!  

Have a healthy breakfast and take dogs for longer walk around Honiton.  Back to eat some prunes and pears to hopefully get things moving better! TMI! 

Frustration definitely with me today! Want to be just ploughing on like I always do, not the best at listening to my body or mind when it comes to that! Feel I should be doing a multitude of things and it’s bugging my brain that I can’t! Or shouldn’t! But the sun is shining and at least I can sit out and read.


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