28th May - The sun is shining all is good

 It’s been over a week since I last posted.  It’s been a mixed week.  Sleep has for the most part been ok.  Nausea slight issue, but not enough to stop me eating healthily, or at least trying to.  Mornings are the biggest struggle, just a general feeling of not feeling myself, slight headache, low energy.  It’s hard to describe, you’re tired, but not tired, yourself but not yourself!  I’ve continued to go dog walking and the sun has been amazing, very welcome change.  Injecting myself with drugs to increase bone marrow going ok (even though I astound myself that I’m doing it!).  Little improvements each day in well being.  Getting jobs done around the home! Only hiccup was early hours of Friday 26th, woke up to intense lower back pain, almost pulsating!  Managed to take a couple paracetamol which helped to ease it!  Made myself do a little yoga and go for dog walk to further ease in case it was just stiff for some reason.  Late morning into early afternoon  back seemed ok, manageable but then I laid down to do injection and back it came with a vengeance!  Awful like early labour pains! Phone oncology support to see if potential side effect to injections and yes it seems it can be! Great! Advice ibuprofen and paracetamol for 24 hours and hopefully because Friday last injection day for a week it will ease.  Hot water bottle and microwave heat pad, dosed up on tablets and wait to see. 

Miraculously slept fine, managed to keep heat on back most of night and when I woke Saturday morning, no pain, thankfully!  Actually first proper day of feeling like myself, really pleased.  Actually did a fair amount and we even met up with friends in the evening.  No alcohol for me which is a total bummer! 

Sunday is here and yes the chemo fog has lifted for now, enjoying whilst it lasts.  Have a family get together this afternoon, outside in the lovely sunshine! 

Next week is more appointments! Picc line care and bloods taken. Oncology consultation. Second round of chemo! So going to enjoy not feeling so shit for next few days.

I’m not sure who’s reading this but just wanted to add that as an alternative therapy I’m getting help through my brother who is an empath.  He gave me a crystal to wear which he sends different energy to, depending on what I need at any specific time.  Not everyone will believe but going through this I have opened myself to receive the help I need in whatever form that comes.


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